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Our language
is universal


A solid coding language for the backend of your web application. All our work is built on PHP frameworks such as Laravel and WordPress.


The frontend language for building webpages. We deliver pixel perfect and custom code. Our developers like to get challenged by your design!


With CSS3 we create the stylesheets that go along with the HTML files. Light weight code that creates beautiful responsive websites.


React, Vue.js, jQuery and JavaScript make your web application come alive. All actions take place real-time without reloading the page.


Code for the Solana blockchain. Combine this with our other coding languages and we can create solid Web3 projects for your company.

Linux Hosting

High availability and stable hosting for your websites and projects. We work with high-end hardware to create the perfect setup.

We’re humble, friendly, energetic, fresh & full of ideas

We can collaborate on multiple things

Consultancy & Support

Do you have an idea, a challenge, or an existing system? And you want to know what is possible and how you should achieve this? Let Mantella consult and support on your project. Together we can make your project even bigger and smarter.

Laravel & WordPress

Laravel and WordPress are both PHP frameworks Mantella uses to build web applications, websites and automation solutions. We combine these platforms with API’s, unique front-end templates, social media and everything else you can think of.


Mantella offers his services as a reseller service for marketing companies and other agencies. Do you need a technical partner who can take care of all coding, hosting and other web related task? Contact us and see what we can do for you.

Write us & lets create things together

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